Hoping to Have a Baby Boy?
Find out if your pH level is optimal
BEFORE trying to conceive...
(+ small S&H fee)
Only 3 Steps to Follow:
As seen on:
Are you Acidic or Alkaline ?
Did you know that alkalinity favors the conception of a baby boy, and acidity favors the conception of a baby girl?
• Men carry 2 types of sperm:
The X-chromosome (girl) are more resilient in the woman’s tract.
The Y-chromosome (boy) are smaller and less resilient (weaker).
Women with an acidic tract make it a harsher environment for the weak Y-chromosome (boy) to survive in.
Once they’ve been eliminated by acidity, the only ones left to reach the ovum are the X-chromosome, producing a baby girl.
Women with an alkaline tract will act as a booster on the Y-chromosome (boy) which are already are faster than the X-chromosome (girl).
Therefore, they will easily beat them in their run to the ovum, producing a baby boy.
Scientific research and studies have demonstrated that the pH level of the woman’s reproductive environment has a direct impact on the gender of the baby she will conceive.
Testing your pH level is an easy way to find out about your reproductive tract!
Your pH Level Test Kit includes:
Will You Conceive a Boy or a Girl?
“Are you Gender Swaying for a Baby BOY? Don’t settle for the usual 50% odds this time around! Take matters into your own hands and make sure to check and find out if you can conceive a boy (or not)…”
PRE-Conception Gender Prediction
Is Your pH Level Optimal for BLUE?
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