Gender Selection in Australia

Baby GIRL Home Kit
Natural ‘3-Step’ Method
Discover How to Conceive a Girl
Longing for a little princess? Get pregnant with your baby girl naturally, from the comfort of your home.
We have more than 25 years of family balancing experience, turning natural gender selection dreams into reality for families located all around the world – including Australia.
Conceive your daughter in 3 simple steps, by using a proven and highly effective baby gender selection method that is 100% safe for you.
Significantly Increase Your Chances of Having a Baby GIRL Naturally and Affordably!
As Seen On…

How ‘Serious’ Are You About Conceiving a Girl?

Motivation Level: LOW

Are you looking for free information, tips and old wives tales about natural baby gender selection? Unfortunately, we cannot help. Thank you for visiting, and best wishes to you and your family!
Motivation Level: MODERATE

Are you gender swaying for fun? That’s what a lot of families do! If you wish to increase your chances of having a girl up to 62%, you definitely want to visit this page: GIRL SWAY
Motivation Level: *HIGH*

Are you serious about gender selection? If conceiving a baby girl is very important to you, and if you don’t want to go through invasive and expensive procedures in a clinic, take the next step below:

Success Stories
Jeanine (Australia)
“I just wanted to email with the incredible and wonderful news that I am currently 20 weeks pregnant with a baby GIRL!!! We are in disbelief but completely over the moon. I just wanted to thank you all for your amazing support and encouragement throughout this entire process, and for putting up with all of my ‘neurotic’ questions and emails. I have to admit, I was a sceptical member but I followed your method as closely as I could and stuck to the crucial dates, and wow, still can’t believe that we are finally adding a little pink into our family. I also think my husband is very grateful, because he did not want to go for a 4th! Anyway, thank you again for everything and helping to fulfill my dream.”
Suzana W. (Middletown, NY)
“Hi, I thought that I’d give you an update. I really didn’t believe in your method, but figured I had nothing to lose since I was going to try for a second baby anyway. At any rate, my husband has two boys with his previous marriage, and a boy with me. I truly believed that there was no chance we would have a girl. I was hoping and praying. Deep down inside, I didn’t think it would happen. I even made up my mind to keep all of my son’s baby things. I came across your website, and like I said, thought I would give it a try. To this day, I remain curious but completely satisfied. Basically, that’s all that counts. I got my beautiful girl, and couldn’t be happier. I can’t thank you enough for your help – IT WORKS!!!”
Kirsty R. (Auckland, NZ)
“Just wanted to let you know that our scan clearly shows we are having our much wanted GIRL. Thanks!!!”
Connie & Tracey (Ballina, NSW)
“I have been meaning to email you for a while but with my four children keeping me extremely busy I have not. I joined your program in November and was trying for a baby girl to complete our family as we already had three boys and we conceived in December. When we had our scan the baby did not want us to find out the sex so we had to wait until September when our beautiful little GIRL Krystal Lee Hannah was born and she is now 12 months old! She is so loved from her three brothers and us, we tell everyone about your great method and are so pleased we used it. Thank you all so much for helping our dreams come true to have our little princess.”
Joanne & Paul (United Kingdom)
“Great news – thanks to you we now have our much wanted little girl who was born on July 29th. Paris Ava weighing in at 7lb 2oz, she is such an angel. We were very much dubious that the method would really work but we will have to eat our words because it did work. Many thanks!”
Margarita W. (Netherlands Antilles)
“We want to thank to you for your wonderful program. Thanks to God and your team, we are a very happy family today. Two years ago, our beautiful boy was born and we wished to have a girl and thanks to your method we have succeeded, which is wonderful. We take every opportunity we have to talk about you and your website to all the people we know. Please continue with your work to make more couples happy.”
Kelly A. (Ontario, Canada)
“My neighbor is a nurse at a birthing center who met 4 women in one month who used your method and all got the gender they wanted after their 3rd or 4th child. They were so happy with your website and with the personal support you provided that I decided to try it too!”
Rebecca T. (California, USA)
“I just thought I would give you an update… We just found out that we are having a girl! After we followed your method exactly, I was still very skeptical. But, we went yesterday for our ultrasound and it was definitely a girl! After having 3 boys, I didn’t ever think I was going to have a little girl, but sure enough, I will be. I still don’t think that I will fully believe it until I see her in my arms, but this is just amazing news for me and my family! Thanks.”
Nicholas & Heather (Appleton, WI)
“We are Nicholas and Heather from Appleton, Wisconsin. Back in December we ordered your home kit. In January we received the great news that we were expecting our third child. At that time we had a 2 years old boy, a 1 year old boy and we were dreaming of finally having our little girl! Four months later we found out our dreams became a reality! My husband and I both cried with happiness along with the ultrasound tech whom was so happy for us. When we called my in-laws, whom only have grand(SONS) in their lives, they didn’t believe us. They told us not to go out and buy pink just yet! She blessed us with her arrival on September 1st at 8 lbs 7 ounces and 21 inches long. Thank you so much for bringing this program into our lives! Our little family is finally complete and we no longer have to feel like we are missing out on anything! Attached are some photos. My sons Sebastian, Dylan and our new little angel baby Evelynn. God bless.”
Jennifer E. (Wallan, Australia)
“I wanted to share my story with you. After having 2 beautiful boys, we gave birth to a daughter 3 years ago. Unfortunately we lost her to SIDS at 5 days of age. We were devastated. 15 months later we had another beautiful son whom we love dearly, but our hearts still ached for another little girl. I discovered your method and decided to give it a try. Three months after joining, I fell pregnant using the dates you supplied. I was convinced this would be a girl, but my husband was sceptical. I went for a scan at thirteen weeks and was told I was having another boy. All I kept thinking was that maybe, the scan was wrong so I kept up hope. Anyway, at 21 weeks I had a full scan and asked what the gender was. I was expecting the answer to be a boy, but to my excitement, the doctor told me I was having a girl. I couldn’t believe it, so I made him double check and he was right. My husband and I were ecstatic! We gave birth to our gorgeous baby girl named Grace on May 22nd, which is actually the same day our first daughter was born 3 years earlier. How bizarre! I would like to thank you with all of my heart for your wonderful program which has made our lives complete.”
The Kline's (Kersey, PA)
“I just wanted to let you know that we are 20 weeks pregnant and found out this week that we are expecting the baby girl we have been trying for with your help. We currently have 3 boys and it’s been almost 30 years since any of the men in my husband’s family have conceived a girl. We will let you know when she arrives. Thank you SO much! Jackie and Andy.”
Adele P. (Victoria, AU)
“I am pleased to write to you and let you know that I have just been for my 20 week scan of our beautiful little baby, and was told that it is a little girl (98% sure). I can’t quite believe it! We followed your method, and after 5 months our dates finally matched, and with our first attempt in January I was pregnant right away. I was still sceptical, until last week. I am still finding it hard to believe, as I had envisaged another boy. Thank you for this great opportunity, and I will be telling all my friends in Australia about your great program. I will keep you posted in October when our little girl is due, and we will have our pigeon pair.”
Ana W. (Chino Hills, CA)
“I just wanted to let you know that to much of my surprise, your system really does work. I had my first ultrasound and heard the words I have been wanting to hear, “It’s a GIRL”!!! After having two boys, I really didn’t think that it was going to happen. Thank you!”
Melissa A. (California, USA)
“This method IS really amazing!!! First when I was looking for something to help us have a baby girl after us having two boys, I found your website. My husband said “let’s go for it and try it” and guess what… We are pregnant and having a baby girl!!! Thank you soooooo much for making our dreams come true. It really works!!!”
Carol H. (Queensland, AU)
“It’s been a long time since I started your program. The last couple of months have been absolutely hectic. Even though I started quite a while ago, it only took a couple of months for it to work. I know that I am suppose to let you guys know as soon as I am pregnant, but circumstances have stopped me from being able to. Anyway, just to let you know, I am VERY pregnant now, due in June – EXPECTING A GIRL!!!!! I have had 2 ultrasounds so far, and both said the same thing – IT’S A GIRL! I am so happy about this, and can’t thank you enough. Thank you so much for helping to make my dreams come true. I already have 2 boys as well as my partner, I think that is enough testosterone for one house. LOL!”
Heidi S. (Michigan, USA)
“I am 22 weeks pregnant and we did find out we are having a little girl!!!!! We have two boys who will be 3 and 5 so adding some pink to our house completes our family! I just wanted to let you know that she was conceived on one of the crucial dates you gave me. Thank you so much!”
Denise C. (Colorado, USA)
“I’ve been meaning to write to you to thank you. I used your home kit last year and got pregnant in June. We have 3 awesome boys so had a mind set for baby #4 to be a boy also. We just kind of wanted to tip the scales in our favor. On February 21st, I gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. I tell everyone about your website and wonderful program. I will definitely be back in a year to try again. Thank you so much! Please keep me on your mailing list.”
Emma P. (NSW, Australia)
“Just to let you know – it worked… I am now 29 weeks pregnant with a little girl! We conceived 2 days after my period had finished – nowhere near the ‘traditional’ ovulation time but I followed the dates from your programme and it worked. Many thanks!”
Robyn W. (Massachusetts, USA)
“I just wanted to let you know that the crucial dates lined up well for me and in my first month on our first try… I just took a pregnancy test and it is positive. I will let you know how it turns out. Thanks!”
Ann S. (Nebraska, USA)
“Just thought I would let you know your home kit was successful for us! We signed up with our hopes up, trying to conceive a little girl and on February 2nd she was born. I just wanted to thank you for putting your information out there. We couldn’t be more excited!!! We will be in contact when we try for a boy… Thanks again, sincerely.”
Belinda K. (Arizona, USA)
“You don’t have to send me additional crucial dates anymore. We are pregnant and having a girl, just what we wanted! Thanks to you and your wonderful team.”
Neil & Hayley (United Kingdom)
“Just a quick email to let you know that we had the little girl we wanted so much on September 8th and we’re pretty sure it’s all down to your method. Our family of two boys and a girl is now complete. Thank you so much for your help.”
Nor Binti Bakar (Brunei Darussalam)
“I’ve delivered my 3rd baby in February. I’ve subscribed to your programme last year. My apology, I’ve lost the form which I should be filling in once I’ve delivered my baby… Thanks so much to you, I’ve got what I want – a baby girl! I will make sure to introduce your baby gender selection method to my friends here in Brunei Darussalam.”
Nicole W. (Western Australia)
“Thank you very much for your help. We have recently given birth to our little girl, just what we wanted. I am now spreading the word that your method is fantastic. I am sure that you will be hearing from a few of my friends. Thanking you, sincerely.”
Jennifer S. (Virginia, USA)
“I joined last year and we had our baby girl on May 18th. After three boys we were blessed with our special delivery! Her name is Autumn Grace. She weighed 6lbs 11oz and was 19 1/4 inches long. She is a true blessing from God. Thank you for your method and all your help!”
Tracey M. (Massachusetts, USA)
“I just wanted to send you a little thank you note, and to tell you I had my daughter on May 2nd, so your dates were right for me. Let anyone out there know that although it took me 10 months, it was well worth the wait! THANKS AGAIN!!!”
Marta S. (Montreal, Canada)
“I got your crucial dates and tried them in June. I wanted a baby girl. I was rally skeptical about this whole thing, especially that in my husband’s family, there were no girls born for the past 65 years… So what were the odds of us having one? Anyways, we tried your method and I am 5 months pregnant with a baby GIRL!!!! We are absolutely thrilled! Thank you so much!”
Tanya & Scott (Bedford, MA)
“Greetings, thank you so much gals. We are pregnant with our baby girl!!!!!”
Denise M. (NSW, Australia)
“Hi, I wanted to tell you that I went for my 19 week ultrasound and they have confirmed that it is a girl. 99.9% sure. I just wanted to say thank you ever so much as I know we could never have done this without you. You have brought so much joy into my life as well as my husband. It is so hard to hold back our joy! My dream has come true! Thank You and God bless.”
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